Brand Development
Branding allows your customers to choose your products and services over your competition. Branding is your logo and mark, and more importantly refers to the associations your customers and potential customers develop with your business. Good branding delivers a strong identity, and a brand experience that can transform customers into advocates. For Creative Evolution, your brand is your promise to your customers, and we design brand experiences that meet what your customers want and need you to be. The promise to your customers tells them what they can expect from your products and services. It reflects who you are and who you want to be. Your enterprise can’t be all things to all people, and depending on the industry you operate in, the first step in developing your brand will be to understand your audience. Customers more easily connect with brands that represent an archetype with its inherent properties. Creative Evolution designs brand strategies based on the underlying identity of our clients, representing the archetype they want to and are able to fill, and delivering the interaction and experience that their customers desire. From business inception, to updating existing brands, to transforming companies, brand development is the centerpiece to a successful relationship with your audience.
Marketing Strategy
Marketing is the art and science of presenting your business, your products and your services to customers. Creative Evolution delivers B2B and B2C marketing that resonates. We create an effective buying journey that mirrors the decision matrix of your audience for the products and services your enterprise offers. From awareness, to consideration, to preference, to purchase, potential customers learn about your business, include what you have to offer in their consideration set, experience why to prefer it over competitors or substitutes and purchase your products & services. Creative Evolution helps businesses understand the rational and emotional components of why and how customers buy, and designs an engagement strategy that effectively and efficiently transforms your successful business into an industry leader. By optimizing all brand experiences and executing an interactive engagement strategy, our clients grow their brand, build an active audience, maximize revenue, and gain brand advocates faster. With Creative Evolution, your marketing strategy is aligned with your business goals, campaigns are updated to take advantage of trends, business resources are aligned efficiently, revenue expansion is accelerated, and return on investment maximized.

Advertising Campaigns
Great advertising resonates with your target audience. Understanding what potential customers want and need – both rationally and emotionally – is the first step. Creative Evolution starts any advertising project by understanding our clients’ current and potential customers’ decision matrix. Combining empirical research, big data analysis, in-depth personal interviews with customers in locations that are the birthplace of trends, and our unique expertise, we understand buying motivations and discover the latest trends faster. By integrating advertising with branding, marketing strategy, and design, we are able to execute highly effective advertising optimized for the channels your potential cutomers prefer.
We understand that advertising is your vehicle for growth. Success is measured in return on investment. Creative Evolution designs advertising that resonates with new customers, optimized for the best channels to connect efficiently, differentiating your brand, products, and services from your competition.
Digital & Web Design
Design is the foundation for what your customers experience when they interact with your business. It defines the visual identity of your company, your products and your brand. Customers remember what they see when interacting with your business first, before they experience any of your services or products. Design communicates what your customers should think and expect, and is essential to their decision to buy your product over another, or select your services over the competition’s. Creative Evolution delivers customer-centric web and digital design: From creating the look & feel for a brand, to designing a company logo, from designing a website to delivering investment presentations, sales and marketing collateral. We design to create a consistent, unique, and appealing visual identity for our clients, a strong first impression for your company. With Creative Evolution, visual appeal is more than just superficial when we integrate the look & feel we designed throughout your brand. As a result, your strong visual identity is backed up by good brand experiences and supported by engaging interactions. See how planned, consistent, and well-executed design becomes the difference between success or failure for a business, and helps transition your business to becoming the leader in your industry.

User Experience
A great user experience increases customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction increases brand advocacy and referrals, and reduces attrition. Creative Evolution understands that a great user experience relies both on a quick, functionally streamlined user interface, and an appealing, clean design that takes customer preference into consideration. Was it easy to do what you wanted? Where you able to find what you needed? Technology is consistently progressing, and user behaviour and expectations are changing. Simply knowing what you have to offer and how to present it, is no longer enough. Your customer is evolving, and your business has to continuously improve to keep. up. With Creative Evolution, you have a partner that can help you deliver industry leading user experiences. Evolve to Succeed.
Customer Engagement
Knowing your customers is the key to providing experiences that engage your audience. Creative Evolution delivers exceptional digital, virtual, and conventional customer engagement. We understand what customers expect, how they behave, and how they are motivated. By helping our clients create customer-centric products, appealing brand-experiences, authentic interactions, and world-class service positioning, and communicating with audiences and customers in real-time, we engage effectively. Tell us more about your goals, your current challanges, and we will design a customer engagement strategy that will resonate with your audience.

Social Media
Social media connects people around the globe. Access to all of your friends, acquaintances, and businesses you like on social media platforms allows instant one-on-one interactions simutaneously. Creative Evolution manages social media accounts and communications for events, brands, businesses, artists, and celebrities. Social media profiles communicate your brand identity, and posts can engage your followers effectively. With expanding functionalities, each platform has a different purpose and different audiences. We actively grow communities and expand audiences on all platforms through awareness campaigns. Social media promotions can expand your customer base virtually overnight. Interactions allow existing customers to refer your brand and products to friend. Online shopping on social platforms allows customers to experience and purchase products and services whereever they like, and leave instant reviews. From brand awareness to referrals, social media can be a cornerstone of your brand and product promotions. Your brand identity becomes part of your customers social lifestyle. Welcome to a digital, virtual world.
Online commerce is changing. Growing at double digit rates, it outperforms regular retail growth. Creative Evolution provides proven ecommerce strategies, launches eCommerce sites, and optimizes eCommerce platforms. Amazon contributes more than 60% of eCommerce revenue in the US, and with other well-know brands providing access to diverse consumer groups, 3rd party platforms are growing in importance. Social media and social media-driven promotions account for more and more of ecommerce demand generation. Developing a strategy that allows your business to grow efficiently, while limiting your dependence on other brands, is vital to your success. Our unique eCommerce demand generation process and the deep experience of our eCommerce experts permit our clients to focus on manufacturing, while Creative Evolution grows demand for your products and services.